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Reading 20 minutes a day

Reading 20 minutes a day

In recent years, studies have revealed that fewer and fewer children are reading for pleasure and spending are more time on social media and mobile devices. We all know how difficult it is to get a child to read because there always seems to be something more interesting to do. Despite this, it is scientifically proven that reading 20 minutes a day can bring benefits to your child’s health and development. There are very interesting advantages that are achieved by reading 20 minutes a day. At Materlu, we think it is important to make these advantages known.

Benefits of reading 20 minutes a day during childhood

Reading 20 minutes a day during childhood can have a wide range of benefits for children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. Here is a list of some of the most notable benefits:

1. Language and communication development:

Reading during childhood is an essential pillar for language and communication development. By reading books, children acquire a larger vocabulary and improve their language skills. Exposure to different writing and narrative styles also enriches your verbal expression and listening comprehension. Additionally, interaction with characters and plots fosters imagination and the ability to communicate ideas and emotions effectively. Reading also improves grammatical development. When reading, children internalize correct linguistic structures, which enriches their understanding of grammar and facilitates verbal expression with precision and clarity.

2. Brain stimulation:

Reading can be a powerful brain stimulant. When reading, children activate various areas of the brain, such as imagination, comprehension, and memory. Exposure to new ideas and concepts promotes neural connections, strengthening cognitive skills. In addition, reading at an early age promotes language development and the ability to concentrate, enhancing academic performance and intellectual growth throughout life.

3. Acquisition of knowledge:

Reading is a powerful means to acquire new knowledge. Through books, children explore diverse topics, such as science, history, cultures, or geography. Each reading provides them with opportunities to learn and expand their vocabulary, comprehension, and cognitive skills. Likewise, reading awakens your curiosity and stimulates critical thinking, laying the foundation for continuous learning and solid intellectual development.

4. Reducing stress and restlessness:

Focusing on a story can be a refuge that helps reduce stress and encourages stillness. By immersing themselves in a book, children disconnect from the noise of the outside world and immerse themselves in introspective calm. Reading also stimulates the imagination and creates a safe space to escape daily worries. These quiet moments promote emotional well-being and balance in your daily life.

5. Strengthening the family bond:

Reading 20 minutes a day is an opportunity to strengthen family ties. Sharing moments of reading creates an affectionate and friendly atmosphere between parents and children. By reading together, emotional connections are made and communication is encouraged, creating special memories. Additionally, books can be conversation starters that generate enriching discussions and strengthen the connection between different generations, fostering family closeness and love.

6. Improved academic performance:

Children who read regularly often do better in school, as they are better prepared to understand and assimilate new information. Reading for 20 minutes a day exposes children to a wide variety of words. This exposure to a wide vocabulary makes the probability of obtaining good results much greater, since it guarantees greater linguistic competence and understanding and more dynamic, fluid, and deep writing. This is because children discover new ways to assign meaning, articulate thoughts, use figurative language, and feel the story through their emotions. Likewise, the reading comprehension that is achieved through the simple practice of persevering in reading opens doors to a world to explore, being able to acquire new knowledge and soak up general culture.

7. Problem solving skills:

Reading stories and other types of texts encourages problem solving. Through stories, children face challenging situations that require analysis and reflection. By identifying with the characters and their dilemmas, they develop skills to find creative and logical solutions. Additionally, reading expands their knowledge and perspectives, allowing them to approach problems with an open and strategic mind.

8. Stimulation of imagination and curiosity:

Reading fuels curiosity and fosters a sense of wonder about the world around us. Daily reading can help strengthen a child’s imagination by introducing them to new concepts, new cultures, and a whole new world of possibilities. They can learn about planet Earth, stimulate their curiosities, develop skills…

Recent studies show that imagination may play a larger role in a child’s development than previously thought. For example, imagining that one is playing the piano could enhance neural connections in regions related to our fingers. So, developing imagination could help people exert more control over their thoughts, memories, and decisions.

9. Development of social skills:

Reading and discussing books with others encourages social interaction and teamwork. Additionally, reading can help children develop empathy by challenging them to consider how characters in the book may feel or think about certain things or situations. You can give him a little nudge, whether at school or at home, by supporting this development of empathy by asking questions like: “Why do you think the sorcerer made this decision?” or “What can the princess do to feel better?” Learning to approach situations and consider the feelings of others could help children of all ages become more compassionate and understanding.

10. Greater ability to concentrate:

Developing a solid ability to concentrate is yet another benefit that reading encourages. When diving into the pages of a book, children must focus on the plot and details, which requires a constant level of attention. As they explore different stories and imaginary worlds, their minds become more adept at blocking out distractions and staying focused on a specific task. This skill transcends reading and is applied academically and personally, preparing children to successfully face challenges throughout their lives. Likewise, good concentration is essential to calm the mind and disconnect from daily stress. By avoiding scattered thoughts, the process of falling asleep is facilitated, improving the quality and duration of rest, which positively influences health and general well-being.

Remember that these benefits may vary depending on the reading content and the way the activity is approached. To do this, Materlu offers personalized stories with appropriate and motivating content for children. Approaching reading with encouragement, affection and fun is crucial. In addition, Materlu proposes that parents and caregivers foster an environment conducive to reading and that they actively engage in this habit, since their support and example can make a big difference in the development of children.


As we have seen, there are enough arguments to understand that reading 20 minutes a day has many benefits. Toddlers, tweens, and even teens alike can benefit from reading 20 minutes a day. Whether by helping them better understand the world, improving their academic performance, discovering all their imaginary and creative potential, or simply enjoying reading a good book. Go to the library or bookstore together, pick out some books, and work together to establish a new family habit.

What are you waiting for? Why don’t you stop by our website and check out all of our books? The books you will find can help you develop the skills your child needs to face the future. Give your children unforgettable moments with Materlu books and challenge them to conquer the world with the power of reading.