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Family Reading Time

Family Reading Time

A good story is an enriching experience, especially for children. Family reading time is great fun and awakens curiosity. Let’s look at the importance of reading as a family, the benefits, and suggestions on how to approach it.

Combine personalized stories with family reading

Materlu offers a selection of personalized stories in which you can choose not only the protagonist, but also friends or family members. Personalized stories capture children’s attention, as they feel identified by including their names and pictures in the story. Combining personalized stories with family reading time enhances the reading experience. Children see themselves reflected in the stories, increasing their emotional connection and identification with the characters. This activity also strengthens family ties by sharing significant moments. In addition, language skills, imagination, and empathy are reinforced. The interaction while discussing the plot encourages critical thinking. Taken together, it fosters a lasting love of reading and learning.

The benefits of family reading time

The habit of reading stimulates the development of memory, emotions, perception, reasoning, concentration, creativity, oral language and even affects the quality of sleep. However, despite the benefits of family reading time, parents should not force their children if they are not willing join in. Books must be associated with something positive so that it is a playful moment and encourages spending quality time together.

In the Materlu blog, there are different articles related to the benefits of reading as a family and how to use reading to promote child development in various fields.

The importance of family reading time

The habit of reading as a family can begin earlier than you think. In the womb, from the twentieth week of gestation, the baby begins to identify their parents’ voices and at this point, affective bonds begin to emerge.

It is important to say that children learn by observing our actions and attitudes and, therefore, we recommend that mothers, fathers, and those responsible, practice activities related to literature. That way, the child will create a positive perspective about reading, and view it as an entertaining and pleasant experience. Family reading time becomes enjoyable when it is introduced as part of a family playtime activity.

Family reading time is of incalculable value in child development and growth, as well as in family cohesion. This activity fosters an emotional connection between parents and children, since sharing stories and exploring imaginary worlds together strengthens affective bonds and mutual understanding.

Through reading, the child develops curiosity and is exposed to a world of new discoveries, such as sounds, colors, and flavors, as well as cognitive and social skills, which is why it is important to present books regularly, in the child’s first years of life. In addition, family reading promotes language and vocabulary development in children from an early age, improving their communication and comprehension skills. By witnessing their parents read and show an interest in books, children gain a positive attitude toward learning and education, creating a strong foundation for their future academic success.

Group reading also fosters critical thinking and creativity, as family members can discuss the books’ plots, characters, and lessons, stimulating rich conversations. Likewise, this practice helps children develop empathy skills by exploring different perspectives and emotions through stories.

In short, family reading nurtures both the intellectual and emotional development of children. It provides a space for connection, learning and shared fun, laying the foundation for a strong family relationship and the healthy growth of children in all aspects of their lives.

Tips for a Rewarding Family Reading Experience

It is important to offer a fruitful experience when we read with our children so they can associate reading with a positive and motivating experience.

  • Choosing Appropriate Books: Choosing books that are appropriate for the age and interests of all family members ensures that everyone is involved and engaged in reading. Likewise, it is advised that they experiment with different literary genres and authors. Exploring a variety of stories enriches the family’s literary repertoire.
  • Create a cozy space: Designate a comfortable and quiet corner for family reading time. Adding cushions, blankets, and soft lighting can make the experience more pleasant.
  • Rotate reading roles: Let different family members be the narrators of the story. This involves everyone and adds variety to the experience.
  • Encourage active participation: Ask questions about the plot, characters, and situations. Encourage debate and reflection to deepen the understanding of history.
  • Personalize the experience: Integrate elements of family life into the narrative, asking them questions to invite them to associate. Connect the events in the book with your own experiences to generate emotional connections.
  • Establish routines: Choosing specific times to read as a family, such as before bed or on the weekend, creates a positive and expected habit.
  • Celebrate achievements: Recognize children’s achievements in reading, such as finishing a book or understanding a complex plot. This reinforces their motivation and self-esteem.
  • Have fun: Family reading time should be a fun and relaxed experience. Laugh together, do character voices and enjoy the time together as you explore new adventures through the books.


In conclusion, cultivating a rewarding family reading experience is a valuable investment in the growth and development of all its members. By following these suggestions, you create an environment conducive to learning, emotional connection, and shared fun. Choosing appropriate books, personalizing the experience, and active participation foster a love of reading and strengthen family ties. Through this practice, imagination is stimulated, constructive dialogue is promoted, and healthy routines are established. Ultimately, reading as a family not only nourishes the intellect, but also the spirit, creating priceless memories and a greater appreciation for the world of literature. Thus, a lasting bond is built between generations and a solid foundation is laid for children’s growth in all aspects of their lives.