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Personalised books: therapetuic tools, healthy habits and life changes

Personalised books: therapetuic tools, healthy habits and life changes

Personalised books have become powerful tools not only for encouraging a love for reading, but also for addressing a variety of emotional and developmental needs in children. By including the name, likeness and personal experiences of the child in the story, these books can provide unique benefits, particularly in areas such as therapy, promoting healthy habits and helping with important life changes. In this blog post, we explore how personalised books can be used in these crucial areas to support and nurture young readers.

Personalised books as therapeutic tools

Therapeutic benefits

Personalised books can be incredibly effective in therapeutic areas for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they offer a safe and appealing way for children to process their emotions and experiences. When a child sees themselves in a story, it can provide them with a sense of validation and understanding which is essential for emotional healing.

Applications in therapy

How to deal with anxiety and stress:

Personalised books can help children to manage anxiety by providing scenarios in which they face and overcome their fears. For example, a book could represent the child bravely dealing with a first day of school, offering strategies to deal with anxiety in real life.

Processing grief and loss:

Books designed to include the name and experiences of a child can guide them smoothly through a difficult process of grief. Stories which reflect their feelings of loss and provide a perspective of hope can be particularly comforting.

Improving emotional stability:

Stories which focus on managing emotions can teach children to identify and regulate their feelings. For example, a personalised book about a child who learns how to calm down when they are angry provide practical techniques for emotional control.

Personalised books to promote health habits

The importance of healthy habits

Establishing healthy habits at an early stage of life is essential for long term well-being. Personalised books can play an important role in promoting these habits by making the learning process enjoyable and relatable.

Promoting physical health

Healthy eating:

Books that show the child eating healthy food can be very effective. By seeing themselves eating fruit and vegetables instead of sandwiches and sweets, children may be more inclined to make healthier decisions in real life.

Exercise and active play:

Personalised stories that involve physical activities can inspire children to be more active. Whether joining a sports team or simply playing outdoors, these books can motivate children to move more.

Promoting mental and emotional health

Mindfulness and Relaxation:

Personalised books that teach techniques to be fully present, like deep breathing and meditation, can help children to develop tools to control stress and anxiety.

Good sleeping habits:

Books which show bedtime routines, like relaxing without screens and reading before going to bed can encourage better sleeping habits.

How personalised books can help with important life changes

The challenge of big life changes

Children often fight against important changes in life, such as moving house, welcoming a new sibling or starting a new school. Personalised books can provide comfort and orientation during these transitions by offering identifiable narratives which help them to understand and face the change.

Common important changes in life:

Moving house:

A personalised book about moving can help children to prepare for the change, face their fears and highlight the exciting aspects of moving.

Starting school:

Books which focus on the first day of class can alleviate anxiety and familiarise children with the new environment and new routines.

Welcoming a new sibling:

Stories that involve the arrival of a new baby can help children to understand their new role and the changes in the family dynamic.

The power of personalised narratives:

Personalised books are powerful because they place the child in the centre of the story. This central role helps children to relate to the storyline on a deeper level, meaning the lessons and messages have a bigger impact. By seeing themselves as the protagonists, children can visualise positive results and feel more in control of their experiences.


Personalised books offer a unique and powerful way to support children through different challenges and stages of their development. As therapeutic tools, they provide a safe space for emotional exploration and healing. By promoting healthy habits, they make learning about physical and mental health more fun and appealing. When it comes to important life changes, they offer calmness and orientation, helping children to navigate through new experiences with confidence.

By integrating personalised books into a child’s routine, parents, educators and therapists can provide valuable support that is encouraging and impactful. These books remind children that they are the heroes of their own stories, capable of overcoming challenges, adopting healthy habits and adapting to life changes with resilience and grace.