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The importance of reading 20 minutes a day

The importance of reading 20 minutes a day

In recent years, studies have revealed that fewer and fewer children read for pleasure and spend more and more time on social networks and mobile devices.

We all know the difficulties we feel when trying to get a child to read because there seems to be a feeling that there is something more interesting to do. Despite this, it has been scientifically proven that taking 20 minutes of the day to read can bring benefits to your child’s health and development.

There are several powerful benefits of reading 20 minutes a day and below we let you know them with some examples like:

Children’s academic success can be influenced by early reading skills

Reading for 20 minutes exposes children to a huge variety of words passing the barrier of a million different words in a school year. This exposure makes the probability of good test results (scores around 90%) much higher, thus ensuring greater academic success than that of a child who reads only 5 minutes a day (scores around 50%). Meanwhile, another study involving almost 10 million students showed only those reading at least 15 minutes a day achieved accelerated reading gains.

If this still isn’t the answer to your questions about 20 minutes of daily reading, buy one of our Materlu books and encourage your child to try it.

Reading influences writing skills as well

Following on from above, if there are benefits in vocabulary associated with daily reading also there are also benefits from writing that are there to reap.

Simply put, the more your child reads, the greater their vocabulary. And a more varied vocabulary will bring more dynamic, fluid, and interesting writing. This is because children discover new ways to assign meanings, articulate their thoughts, use figurative language, and feel history through their emotions. All this helps them to be good writers in the future.

Children who rarely read are less likely to expand their linguistic know-how in the same way. And that could have consequences in the long term.

A children’s imagination can be stimulated and enhanced by reading

Recent studies show that imagination may play a more important role in a child’s development than previously thought. For example, imagining that one is playing the piano, could boost neuronal connections in regions related to the fingers. So, developing imagination could help people exercise more control over their thoughts, memories and more.

Reading daily can help make a child’s imagination stronger by introducing them to new concepts, new cultures, and a whole new world of possibilities. They can learn about planet Earth, stimulate their curiosities, develop capabilities, and more.

And with the imagination being such a powerful force, there’s a lot to gain from that!

Creativity in children is stimulated by fiction

Imagination and creativity, the two relate because in addition to being encouraged by daily reading, both are present in the development of your kid.

Getting lost in a world of fiction can help your child expand their creativity due to their exposure to new worlds, bizarre characters and a cocktail of situations and sensations that they have not yet had the opportunity to experience in real life.

In addition, when reading, they realise that people can make a living writing for newspapers or magazines or even write and publish their own books. This can make them explore their own creativity more and influence their professional careers in the future.

A good book helps children relax at bedtime

Children, regardless of their age, are always in constant learning and change. They are exposed every day to stressful and uncomfortable situations such as a change of school, moving house, making new friends, among others. The good news is that reading with your child at bedtime or letting them do it alone, with their own independence helps them relax and wind down from their day.

Research by the UK National Literacy Trust found that 90% of children feel happier when reading and writing, as opposed to playing games or watching their favourite cartoons.

Regular reading helps in the development of a children’s empathy

Reading can help children develop empathy by challenging them to consider how the characters in the book can feel or think about certain things or certain situations. You can give a little boost either at school or at home supporting this development of empathy by asking pertinent questions such as: ”Why do you think the sorcerer made this decision?” or ”What can the princess do to feel better about herself?”

Learning to approach situations and consider the feelings of others could help children of all ages to be more compassionate in life.

So why read at least 20 minutes a day? Now you have the answer to that!

Both young children, pre-teens and even teens can benefit from reading 20 minutes daily. Whether it’s helping them better understand the world, improving their academic performance, discovering their full imaginary and creative potential, or just enjoying reading a good book. Head down to the library or bookstore together, pick out a few new titles, and get to work on setting a new family habit together.

What are you waiting for? Why not stop by our website and buy a copy? Our books can help you develop the skills your child needs to face the future. Provide your children with unforgettable moments with Materlu books and challenge them to conquer the world with the power of reading.